I found the things I need to work on for sure and the Lord knew I needed to hear some truth.. a few hours ago Dashing Dish posted this post Dashing devotional ~ what are you thinking about. I won't repost the entire thing here, but a couple parts that hit me pretty hard.
- "one of the greatest areas of discouragement generally relates to our image. Whether it be about a body part that we wish we could change, ‘wishing’ we could look better, or even more like someone else…"
- Yes, yes, this is how I feel!
- "We must realize that these types of thoughts are a strategic way that the enemy tries to get us distracted from our purpose and to steal peace and joy from our daily lives."
- This is exactly what is happening to me!
- "Don’t believe me?!? Just stop for a moment and think about the type of ‘thoughts’ that play in your head when you think about your body or appearance. Now imagine if you never had a thought like that again. EVER. Do you realize how much joy, peace, and freedom you would have knowing that you would never have to waste another moment of another day worrying about that thing that used to plague you."
- I can't even imagine a life like that!
- "Now, hopefully after taking a moment, you can see that these thoughts are nothing but a tool satan uses to steal from us. He is out to steal our joy, peace, and time by placing our attention on negative thoughts. The Bible tells us that “Satan comes to steal, kill and destroy, but Jesus came so we could have life and life more abundantly.” (John 10:10) "
- I never put things in this content before!
- "I encourage you to free yourself today! Make it a priority to take those thoughts that are meant to distract and steal true life away from you ‘prisoner’, and replace them with the truths of God’s Word that will set you free! It won’t be long before you realize how much time, peace, and joy you have gained once you choose to focus on the abundant life Jesus has provided for you (Philippians 4:8)."
Wow- thank you Lord for this words from Dashing Dish!
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